How to scan your computer with Anti-Malwarebytes Virus Removal Tool

How to scan your computer with Anti-Malwarebytes Virus Removal Tool

How to use Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Virus Removal Tools to scan and remove malware infections your computer


Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (Virus Removal Tool) is an windows application for computers used to remove all kinds of ‘Viruses, Spyware, Adware, Malware, Trojans, etc.’


Now we will show you how to set up a quick scan and deal with any detected viruses.

Step: -1

Open Malwarebytes.


Step: -2

On the Malwarebytes interface select “Scan” on the top bar.

Scan with Anti-Malware to remove infection


Step: -3

In the “Select a Scan to Perform” section you will see three choices: “Threat Scan”, “Custom Scan”, and “Hyper Scan”. If you want to narrow down your searching scale in your computer and are sure you know where your infected files are, you can choose “Custom Scan”. “Hyper Scan” is for premiere users as it cannot be selected by Free version users. But don’t feel less privileged if you use the free version because it is good enough to detect and remove most malicious and tricky viruses such as Trojans.


Scan with Anti-Malware to remove infection


Step: -4

Here we take “Threat Scan” as an example since it is thorough and automatic and easy to use. You can see the scanning process, and it could take a while depending on how fast your computer runs.

Scan with Anti-Malware to remove infection


Step: -5

After the scan has done its job we will see the log of “malicious items detected”. If your Malwarebytes shows you some results you can check the “Action” column and in the scroll down menu there are “Quarantine”, “Add Exclusion”, and “Ignore Once” selections. Here is what you need to decide: if you are sure that the detected item is a false alarm you can choose “Add Exclusion” to add this item to your “White list” (it won’t be detected as a virus next time). If you want to deal with this threat later just choose “Ignore Once”. Otherwise, just click “Quarantine” to prevent the potential threat from sabotaging your computer. After you hit the “Apply” button on the bottom right corner you are golden!

Scan with Anti-Malware to remove infection


Hopefully your computer should now be clean of any infections that may have been present. If your current anti-virus solution let this infection through, you may want to consider purchasing the PRO version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to protect against these types of threats in the future.


*Learn more about Malwarebytes Anti Malware Virus Removal Tools features setting and support visit the


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